Tips To Help You Hire A Good Moving Company
When you're moving office premises, you may have a large number of things to fret about but perhaps don't consider insurance to be one of them.
If that's the case, you may find yourself seriously at risk and that's why it's worth taking a few minutes to read what follows, even if you're using professional office movers to help.
Areas of risk
There is a first basic principle to take into account relating to insurance and in fact this applies to virtually every form of insurance cover both personal and relating to possessions.
Packers and Movers Ludhiana
That fact is that insurance policies don't like changing circumstances. They are typically written to provide cover against a range of specified risks in a defined set of background circumstances. If you change those circumstances, without discussing them with your insurance company in advance, in some cases you may unintentionally invalidate your policy.
So, while you are starting to talk to your office removals company, think about the following areas and how changes to them may or may not affect various forms of your insurance protection:
Your business is moving to a different location with a different postcode
Perhaps as a result of that, you are purchasing additional furniture and other equipment thereby increasing overall risk values for your insurance provider
Your equipment and other things, such as paperwork, may be in transit and therefore not officially located either at your old or new address for a period of time.
Your employees, whether at your request or perhaps accidentally, may start to engage in packing and perhaps lifting activities to help with the removal. From an insurance viewpoint, that may well be considered to be activities that are not part of their legitimate 'normal daily duties'.
This list could be extended considerably but hopefully by now the point has been made. If you are planning to make significant changes to what your employees are being asked to do, even for a short period of time, as well as changing the background to what your insurance company thinks they know about your business operations, then you must talk to them beforehand.
Not always a problem
Now if you're worrying that the result of talking to your insurers is almost inevitably an increase in your premium, then don't fret too much.
Some policies may automatically include cover for some of the above issues and in other cases your insurer may be willing to take it under risk for a short period of time without charge. The good news is that commercial removals are usually done and dusted within a maximum of a couple of working days or so.
Packing and removals issues
It's perhaps worth saying a specific word or two here relating to the very particular issues that can apply to your employees.
Most professional office movers probably won't allow you and your colleagues to help load their vehicle. That's mainly as a result of their concern for your safety but they may also have strict insurance constraints of their own, which explicitly prohibit non-removals company employees from standing on or inside the vehicle.
By the same logic, you should be very cautious about asking your employees to undertake what might be described as "removals-related" work. For example, asking them to put files and folders into boxes in an orderly fashion might typically not be an insurance issue. Expecting them to carry a heavy photocopier downstairs and load it onto a commercial vehicle might be something entirely different again. Remember, that applies even if the individuals concerned are perfectly willing to do so.
http://www.packersandmoverschandigarh.nethttp://www.ludhianamovers.inAnother particular point, which some professional Packers and Movers Chandigarh furniture movers may well stress, is that packing adequately to protect furniture and equipment from damage on the road isn't as easy as it sounds. So, you should consider letting professional packers do that for you. Damage to expensive items that insurance companies believe were inadequately and amateurishly packed could invalidate your cover for the items concerned.